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Low Sex Drive? Here’s How To Increase Your Sex Drive

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Men! It’s time to get your sex drive back...

Where did my sex drive go?!

It’s a question asked by most men at some point in their life...

...and it’s usually followed by ‘How did it go?’, ‘Why did it go?’, and ‘How do I get it back?!’. Well, you’re in luck. Today we’ll be discussing this and more. While many men experience a lack of sex drive, you don’t have to live with it.

So let’s talk about low sex drive in us men, how it happens, and how to resolve it.

So why is my sex drive *so* low?

A low sex drive isn’t an issue on its own but, rather, a symptom of another issue.

Whether it’s to do with stress levels, diet, trauma, or hormones, identifying the reasons for your low sex drive isn’t always easy. If you’ve recently experienced a significant change in your life, it might explain your lack of libido. If not, you’ll need to do some digging.

Making small changes is a great way to find out why you’re not in the mood.

What are the symptoms?

It’s not just about doing your darndest to avoid the act.

Having a low sex drive means you barely even think about it.

Which is weird for us guys, right? The most common signs of low sex drive are:

  • Disinterest in sexual activity
  • Difficulty enjoying sex
  • Lack of pleasurable sensations
  • Few sexual thoughts
  • Inability to achieve or maintain erections

Wait, low sex drive can cause Erectile Dysfunction?

Yes. Erectile dysfunction may be one of the first things you notice. The explanation is simple: If you have no interest in sexual activity, your body will not show signs of arousal. No sex drive? Goodbye erections!

Is it normal for it to be so low?

We can all experience low sex drive from time to time.

In fact, around one in five men will experience a low sex drive in their lifetime.

However, if your lack of libido appears out of the blue or lasts longer than a couple of weeks, there could be an underlying cause. It may not be easy to find what’s causing it, but checking your testosterone levels is a great starting point.

Does it only affect men of a certain age?

Can men have a low sex drive at 25? Yes! Low sex drive doesn’t discriminate.

Low sex drive is a symptom of many physical and psychological factors, so being young isn’t enough to keep the problem at bay. Whether you’re 21, 25, 30 or over 40, a low sex drive can strike at any time.

It’s ok to lose interest in sex from time to time, but it’s not normal for it to drag on longer than a couple of weeks. In fact, most men maintain a healthy sex drive well into their 60s or 70s.

My partner is suffering from a lack of libido, what should I do?

Guys are prone to the ‘she’ll be right’ mentality.

Maybe he doesn’t want to admit it. Maybe he’s embarrassed. Maybe he’s just downright stubborn. No matter the reason, he’ll need your support in getting the issue resolved.

The most important thing to remember is that it’s not about you. Your partner’s low sex drive is a result of an underlying issue. Encourage him to seek help and stick with him throughout the journey. It’ll be worth it.

Learn more in our post My Partner Has Erectile Dysfunction. Now What?

Does it affect your sperm count or cause infertility?

Low sex drive is not a common symptom of male infertility or low sperm count.

However, low sex drive does not cause infertility. Male infertility is a medical condition caused by low sperm function or blockages. Having a low sex drive does not mean you’re infertile, but if you’re worried about your fertility, you can check your sperm count with a home test kit.

Is it low libido? Or could I just be asexual?

Having a low sex drive and being asexual are two completely different things. If you have wanted to have sex in the past, but you don’t now, it’s to do with your sex drive. If you’ve never had the desire for sex, you may be on the asexuality spectrum. Asexuality affects about 1% of the population and causes people to feel indifferent about whether or not they have a sexual partner.

What causes a lack of sex drive in men?

Learning the common causes may help you pinpoint your lack of libido.

Some issues are easily rectified. Others, not so much.

Let’s take a look at the causes of low sex drive to see if any sound familiar:


We know, we know. We talk about stress a lot. But it’s the culprit for so many issues, low sex drive included! Why? Because the stress hormone, cortisol, interferes with almost every other hormone in the body, especially testosterone.

Stress also narrows the arteries that send blood flow to the ‘right areas’ during sexual arousal. But that’s not all stress can do! Stress floods our thoughts. So, while we should be focusing on having a great time in the bedroom, we’re focusing on what’s making us stressed out.


While medications solve one issue, they can often cause another.

The most common medications that affect sex drive include:

  • Antidepressants and anti-anxiety medication like Sertraline
  • Heart and blood pressure medication
  • Pain medication
  • Steroid medication


Trauma comes in many forms.

Whether recent or delayed, trauma may be the reason for your low sex drive.

Trauma can cause the body to respond in very unsettling ways. Injuries, surgery, or grief - trauma is a result of a life-altering experience that can create a cortisol spiral that can develop instantly or even years down the track.

Low Testosterone

We talk about low testosterone a lot on the blog.

It’s an issue that affects so many of us, so someone’s got to talk about it!

With its far-reaching symptoms, low testosterone can present itself in many ways. When low sex drive is accompanied by other symptoms such as erectile dysfunction, muscle loss and weight gain, it may be a result of low testosterone.

Testosterone is our sex hormone. It fuels our sex drive. Without enough of it, fun times in the bedroom can come to a screeching halt. In fact, low sex drive is one of the most common reasons men have their testosterone levels checked.


Sex drive and alcohol have an interesting relationship.

Let’s just say, it’s complicated.

Low to moderate levels of alcohol can increase confidence and improve sex drive. But heavy drinking does the exact opposite. Alcohol interferes with messages that the brain sends to the body, restricting blood flow and inhibiting sexual arousal.

It’s a delicate balance between the perfect amount and way too much. If your drinking has increased lately, cutting back might bring your sex drive back.

Learn more in our post Alcohol & ED: What’s The Effect On Your Sex Life?

Poor Nutrition

A poor diet and lack of exercise have many consequences. You may be able to get away with it while you’re young, but it will catch up with you down the line. Diets high in carbohydrates and trans fats result in long-term deficiency of essential nutrients that directly affect your libido.


Weather has more of a physical impact on us than we realise.

Yes, it may even affect your libido.

Have you ever noticed your sex drive is stronger in summer than in winter? This is because sunlight induces serotonin, the feel-good neurotransmitter that enhances our sex drive. But let’s not forget how nice it is to cosy up together on a cold winter’s night.

Break Up

It’s common to have a low libido after a breakup. Breakups can be traumatic events with far-reaching physiological effects. Although time will heal, breakups are never easy, and it’s ok to let your body respond the way it needs to. The difficult time will pass, and your libido will be back before you know it.


When your body is dehydrated, it can react in many unexpected ways. Not even your libido is safe. Dehydration causes your body to release stress hormones which fight your ability to feel aroused. It can also reduce blood flow around your body. The same blood flow you need to achieve an erection.

All in all, dehydration is bad news in all aspects of your health!


Depression is a libido destroyer. Depression is a condition that causes prolonged periods of sadness. While we can all experience a slump from time to time, depression can linger for months or even years. With a general lack of enjoyment in everyday life, depression can wipe your libido completely.

If you have the following symptoms, it’s important to seek help immediately:

  • A feeling of sadness that won’t go away
  • Weight gain or weight loss
  • Difficulty sleeping
  • Low energy
  • Loss of appetite


Decreased libido is a common symptom of type 2 diabetes. Diabetes can lower testosterone levels and cause nerve damage, leading to genital numbness. However, the lifestyle factors that lead to type 2 diabetes, such as obesity and high blood pressure, also make it difficult to become sexually stimulated.

According to a recent study, about half of men with type 2 diabetes will experience erectile dysfunction.

What won’t cause a lack of sex drive?

It’s time to debunk some myths. Let’s look at the things that won’t affect your sex drive, no matter how often you hear the rumour.

Working Out

Exercise will not lower your libido - quite the opposite. Regular cardio increases testosterone production and fights stress hormones. Cardio also increases blood flow to the ‘right areas’, giving you the best chance at achieving longer, stronger erections. If you’re struggling in the bedroom, a sweat session might be just what the doctor ordered.


It’s a common misconception that a vasectomy can lower libido. No, it won’t. A vasectomy snips the vas deferens. This is the tube that transports live sperm, and it has nothing to do with testosterone production. A vasectomy will not affect your sex drive or your ability to obtain an erection. If anything, a vasectomy may spice things up in the bedroom!

Find out more in our post Will A Vasectomy Lower My Libido?


We know that a poor diet can lower libido. But, a good diet - like keto - can boost it! Keto has gained popularity in recent years, particularly among people looking to take control of their health. From weight loss to improved gut health, keto can deliver many amazing benefits. The low-carb, high healthy fats diet can boost metabolism, increase testosterone and bring your libido back to life.

Five ways to increase your sex drive, naturally

A low sex drive can be extremely distressing, especially if you’ve always been raring to go! You can target the root cause of the issue by making simple changes to your health and lifestyle.

Take Control Of Your Health

You only get one body, so look after it. Taking control of your health is a huge commitment but well worth the effort. Each day you prioritise your health, you’re one step closer to being the best version of yourself.

We know. Bad diet habits are hard but necessary to break. Do away with processed foods, limit alcohol, drink plenty of water, and focus on foods packed with libido-boosting nutrients, such as:

Foods high in zinc:

  • Red meat
  • Spinach
  • Kale
  • Broccoli
  • Mushrooms
  • Pumpkin seeds
  • Dairy products
  • Avocado

Foods high in selenium:

  • Brazil nuts
  • Fish
  • Cheese
  • Eggs

Foods high in Omega 3:

  • Salmon
  • Sardines
  • Anchovies
  • Flaxseed
  • Chia seeds
  • Walnuts

Foods high in vitamin D3

  • Salmon
  • Fortified dairy products
  • Cod liver oil
  • Eggs
  • Liver

Exercise Regularly

Our bodies need to move every day. But you don’t have to be an avid marathon runner to maintain a regular exercise routine. Even a simple home workout can be enough to get your blood pumping.

Exercise not your thing? What if we told you that a daily sweat session increases blood flow, reduces stress, balances mood, and improves stamina – everything you need for a healthy sex drive!

Review Your Medications

Not all medications are sex-drive destroyers, but if you’ve started a new medication recently, it’s good to ask your doctor about its side effects. Didn’t you read the little pamphlet that came with your meds? We get it. Not many of us do. But there may be an alternative medication that doesn’t affect your sex drive.

Manage Your Stress Levels

Reducing stress levels is easier said than done, but the longer you let your stress levels spiral, the worse it will impact your health down the line. Your sex drive will be one of many bodily functions affected.

You can significantly improve your stress levels through diet, exercise, and meditation. However, once stress impacts your physical well-being, it’s a serious concern. Address what it is that’s making you stressed and seek help from someone you can trust. You may need to take a break from work or learn stress-reducing techniques from a qualified psychologist.

Take Libido-Boosting Pills & Supplements

It’s essential to give your body extra support by taking libido-boosting supplements while you make healthy lifestyle improvements. Here are the supplements to have in your arsenal:

  • Zinc
  • Vitamin D3
  • Selenium
  • Korean Ginseng
  • Fenugreek Seed
  • Horny Goat Weed
  • Piperine

…or you could go for a supplement with all these libido-boosting vitamins and trace minerals in one convenient capsule. TESTO, anyone?

Don’t let a low sex drive ruin your relationship

A healthy sex drive is at the core of any good relationship, so before yours starts to suffer, take action to get your sex life back on track. Don’t let your low sex drive ruin your relationship!

Just two capsules of TESTO a day will support your energy, libido, and sex drive.

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