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Andropause: Signs, Symptoms, & 3 Natural Remedies

Andropause and low testosterone

It’s time to turn your low testosterone levels around

Guys, here’s a question for you:

Have you heard of andropause?

If the term sounds unfamiliar, you’re not alone!

While one in five men experience the symptoms of andropause, few understand the condition, and even fewer know what can be done to remedy it. For such a common condition, it doesn’t get the attention it deserves! It’s time we talked about andropause.

What is it? What causes it?

Most of all, what can you do about it?

What is andropause?

Andropause - also commonly referred to as ‘Male Menopause’ - is a condition that affects the health and wellbeing of men as they age (usually in their 40s or 50s). While the condition is tied to a drop in testosterone levels, it’s also responsible for mood swings, a lack of energy, and poor concentration.

Unlike menopause in women, andropause progresses slowly, making it difficult to notice or identify symptomatic patterns. Diagnosing the condition relies on a series of tests that compare levels of bioavailable testosterone in the blood.

What causes andropause?

Andropause is a characteristic of ageing.

The condition affects 30% of men in their 50s, and symptoms can become more prevalent with age if left untreated. While age is a common reason for declining testosterone levels, several lifestyle factors can exacerbate symptoms such as poor nutrition, stress, and a lack of exercise.

What are the signs and symptoms?

The sexual, physical, and emotional symptoms differ from person to person.

Many men put their symptoms down to age, not realising that they can seek help.

Not feeling quite yourself? Andropause could be getting in the way of you enjoying your golden years and living life to the fullest. Check out the list below for symptoms that you should look out for.

Common sexual symptoms include:

Common physical symptoms include:

  • Loss of muscle mass and decreased strength
  • Lack of energy
  • Increase in body fat
  • Fatigue
  • Hot flashes
  • Joint pain
  • Heart palpitations
  • Night sweats

Common emotional symptoms include:

  • Depression and anxiety
  • Difficulty managing stress
  • Lack of mental clarity and sharpness
  • Volatile temperament
  • Difficulty sleeping

How do you support the symptoms of andropause, naturally?

The goal when treating andropause is to increase testosterone levels in the blood. Boosting testosterone can be achieved through pharmaceutical medicines, natural supplements, changes to lifestyle, or a combination of each.

Testosterone Replacement Therapy

Abnormally low levels of testosterone are often treated using Testosterone Replacement Therapy (TRT). TRT replaces lost testosterone with natural bioidentical hormones through gels, patches, injections. or hormone-releasing pellets under the skin.

After three to six months, your doctor will test your testosterone levels and adjust the dosage if required.

TRT is considered a safe treatment; however, it is not without its side effects. Patients treated using TRT have an increased risk of oily and acne-prone skin, low sperm count, blood clots, heart attacks, and stroke.

Lifestyle changes

Making positive lifestyle changes is an age-old method for relieving the symptoms of andropause. Lifestyle factors such as poor diet, lack of exercise, alcohol intake, and smoking can accelerate the depletion of testosterone.

Men who are overweight are more likely to see testosterone decrease at a faster rate, largely because they are not getting enough of the essential nutrients that support testosterone. A diet enriched with zinc, selenium, omegas, and B vitamins will create healthy habits and reduce the symptoms of andropause.

Stress raises cortisol levels and accelerates testosterone depletion. Regular exercise helps to manage stress which enhances metabolism, helps with sleep, improves mood and, of course, supports healthy testosterone.

Natural supplements

Many men who suffer from uncomfortable symptoms and low testosterone turn to natural treatments first. We know certain minerals and superfoods are excellent for testosterone production, but it’s not always easy to incorporate these into your diet.

Supplementing your diet with all the major testosterone-boosting ingredients your body needs such as Korean ginseng, fenugreek seed, horny goat weed, and zinc is a great way to regain your confidence (both in and out of the bedroom!).

Low testosterone doesn’t need to be a life sentence

The symptoms of andropause can strip you of your confidence, but it’s time to take your life back! With few easy lifestyle changes, you can help reignite your sex life, boost energy levels, and start feeling like yourself again.

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